
Exploiting Correlation in Online Sequential Decision Making


About: The project deals with modelling and exploiting correlation between the successes and failures of multiple communication channels. Performance is determined by a metric relevant to time-sensitive applications called Age-of-Information (AoI). A generalization of the Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) model is used as the decision framework.

Key Contributions:
Designed an MAB algorithm for regret minimization under a correlated MAB framework and demonstrated its superior performance on certain bandit instances.
paper / poster / slides / code

Proposed a variant of the successive-elimination algorithm for best-arm identification under the correlated MAB framework. Analyzed the sample-complexity for our (0, δ)-PAC algorithm.
report / slides

Proved instance independent lower bounds and matching upper bounds on AoI-regret for correlation- aware variants of the UCB and Thompson Sampling policies.
Achieved significantly improved performance on AoI-regret by exploiting underlying correlation.
paper / presentation / slides / code

Video Stabilization for a Spherical Mobile Robot


About: Camera stabilization equipment prevents physical disturbances from distorting video footage. However, the correction is not perfect since low frequency disturbances from actions like rolling on an irregular surface creep into a mechanically stabilized recording and degrade the viewing experience. The problem can be alleviated using software-based video stabilization.
formulation / code

Sample Efficient Exploration in Reinforcement Learning


About: For reinforcement learning to be effective and tractable, knowledge about the environment must be gained within a reasonable number of time steps. The project looks at reward function synthesis and assistance from a near-optimal expert-policy as two possible approaches.

Part 1
Ran experiments to compare the number of samples required by an agent to learn an optimal policy via Q-learning when it uses potential-based reward-shaping and optimal reward-search on an environment having a sparse intrinsic-reward.
report / code

Part 2
Designed an algorithm combining EXP3 and policy roll-outs to weight and combine knowledge from the learned environment model and an external expert policy. Tested it on the RiverSwim MDP.
preliminary-slides / code

Digital Immunoassay Based on Particle Motion Analysis


About: Biochemical immunoassay technology detects proteins and other macromolecules in low concentrations. Our team worked on a novel biochemical immunoassay that estimates molecular concentrations by tethering down proteins and analyzing their motion through statistical methods.

Image Segmentation in Baby-Monitor Footage


About: Each year thousands of infants succumb to suffocation arising from unsafe sleep positions. The project aimed to alleviate this problem using computer vision. Cradlewise is an early stage startup whose smart crib was recently featured in TIME Magazine’s 100 best inventions of 2020.

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USB Powered High Voltage Nixie Tube Clock Display


report / blog-posts / video / code

Vehicle Routing Problems


A supervised learning project where I learnt about Integer programming as a discrete optimization technique and applied this knowledge to Vehicle Routing Problems.

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Offside Detection in Football


poster / code

A self initiated Summer project. Our team created a program to identify offside situations in football. The project utilized the functionality of the openCV library in Python.

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Course Projects

Hopfield Networks as Dynamical Systems



Deep Learning for Metric Learning and GANs


GitHub Repo

Kalman Filters for Non-Linear Estimation


report / code

Automatic Key-Word Recognition


GitHub Repo

16-Bit Pipelined RISC Processor


GitHub Repo for pipelined variant / GitHub Repo for multi-cycle variant

Face Recognition with Fischer and Eigen Faces


GitHub Repo

Electronic Stethoscope Project


This project designed an electronic analog front-end that would allow for stethoscope signals to be visualized on an oscilloscope.

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